| 1 min
Do you find yourself (or other top managers) increasingly saying, “I would make my business model more sustainable in a heartbeat if only there was a level playing field”? Of course, this implies that one cannot be expected to make any big changes unless others change in big ways, too. And while the economic considerations […]
| 3 min
Creating Courage from Death of Identity … here is how!
I keep getting asked why I left my job. Or I’m told how brave I am to have taken such a bold step. So much so that I feel inspired to share a bit more about it. First of all, and you may have already experienced it yourself: The cognitive dissonance that comes from just getting […]
| 3 min
Why I left my well-paid job, what I’ve learned, and why we are in big trouble …
… if business is not boldly stepping up to help solve the world’s most difficult problems! If you are one of the growing number of people seriously concerned about the state of the world, the role of business, and your own role in it, I know how you feel. After an intense 20 years in […]
| 4 min
The Larger Conversation (V): Leadership Formula Upgrade: IQ + EQ + LQ
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. –Alvin Toffler If one subscribes to the notion introduced in Part IV that a new ecology of competencies and skills, is an essential prerequisite for a successful paradigm shift in business, it […]
| 5 min
The Larger Conversation (IV): A New Ecology of Competencies and Skills
The inability to imagine a world in which things are different is evidence only of a poor imagination, not of the impossibility of change. –-Rutger Bregman Cracking the code of the incremental change-cycle is important. While the factors explored in Part III are by no means conclusive, they need to be taken into account for […]
| 5 min
The Larger Conversation (III): Breaking the Incremental Change-Cycle
Identifying the problem is more important than identifying the solution, because the accurate representation of the problem leads to the solution. –Albert Einstein. To open the stage for more groundbreaking change and transformation, it is essential to have deeper and more meaningful conversations across opinion lines. Honest dialogue beyond polarization, moralizing, or completely ignoring one […]
| 6 min
The Larger Conversation (II): The Economic System
„Are you calling for revolution of consciousness? a reporter once asked Peter Sloterdijk – „The call lies in the circumstance“, he said. The main problem with economics today (and the political economy that emerged) are some fundamental misunderstandings of the purpose of the economy, how humans behave, the moral and practical limits of markets, what […]
| 5 min
The Larger Conversation (I): Where We Are Today
At the end of the decade sustainable business models and a new approach to our economic system will be part of the „next normal“. Why? Because if not, we will be suffering ourselves out of existence. All of this can easily be missed when stuck in the rat race. It is impossible to miss […]